Download forms
- Thesis defence:
- Request for a reviewer without HDR: Word doc
- Confidentiality agreement by a jury member or participant of a thesis defence: Word doc
- Formulaire Procuration jury: Word doc
- Proposal for a PhD thesis prize/award: Word doc
- Miscellaneous:
- Co-supervision Agreement between Université Côte d'Azur and another French university: Word doc
- Co-supervision Agreement between Université Côte d'Azur and a foreign university: Word doc
- Convention de cotutelle internationale de thèse / Agreement for the joint supervision of a PhD dissertation : Word doc
- Convention de cotutelle internationale de thèse franco-italienne/ Agreement for the joint supervision of a PhD dissertation french-italian : Word doc
- Co-supervision Non HDR exemption request form Word doc
- Change of PhD thesis supervisor Word doc or PDF
- Individual follow-up committee report : Word doc
- Livret de CSI : PDF
- HDR defence:
- Formations :