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HDR defence procedure
Procedural steps and timeline:
- Authorization to defend the HDR Details
- 6 weeks prior: Send manuscript to external referees Details
- At least 2 weeks prior: Referee reports to be sent to the Graduate School Details
- 1 week prior: Announcement and defence envelope Details
- On the day of the defence: Defence and committee deliberation Details
- After the defence: The certificate of achievement and the diploma are issued Details
The applicant should contact the committee members and propose a defence date once the registration to defend the HDR is granted.
In the meantime, the HDR applicant needs to proceed with the administrative enrolment in the appropriate office of the registrar, i.e., Faculty of Science or Faculty Medicine (please make an appointment in advance).
CAUTION! No diploma will be issued without this enrolment. The candidate must be enrolled BEFORE the DEFENCE.
The applicant needs to provide the office of the Graduate School with:
- A document containing the following information:
- first and last name of the candidate
- date of birth
- laboratory affiliation
- Faculty (Science or Medicine)
- Discipline for the Graduate School (only ONE discipline):
- Neurobiology and cognitive neuroscience
- Molecular Signalling and Endocrinology
- Plant Physiology and Agronomy
- Ecology Evolution Biology Populations
- Animal Physiology and Pharmacology
- Clinical and Therapeutic Research - Public Health
- Genetics and development
- Immunology and Microbiology
- email and telephone numbers
- date of the scientific board meeting, where the defence was endorsed
- the PhD title and award date of the PhD and the name of the university, where the PhD was obtained
- A CV (maximum 10 pages)
- A designation form for referees (Choice of referees) and a
designation form for committee members signed by the Director of Research (Committee composition).
The discipline / CNU section should be selected based on Faculty Sciences or Faculty Medicine (one and only one discipline) :
Sciences :
- section 64 - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- section 65 - Cellular Biology
- section 66 - Physiologie
- section 67 - Population biology and ecology
- section 68 - Biology of Organisms
- section 69 - Neuroscience
Medicine :
- section 42 - Morphology and morphogenesis
- section 43 - Biophysics and Medical Imaging
- section 44 - Biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, physiology and nutrition
- section 45 - Microbiology, hygiene and communicable diseases
- section 46 - Public health, environment and society
- section 47 - Oncology, genetics, hematology, immunology
- section 48 - Anesthesiology, intensive care, emergency medicine, pharmacology and therapeutic
- section 49 - Nerve and muscle disease, mental illness, disability and rehabilitation
- section 50 - Musculoskeletal pathology, dermatology and plastic surgery
- section 51 - Cardio respiratory and vascular disease
- section 52 - Diseases of digestive and urinary apparatus
- section 53 - Internal medicine, geriatric medicine and general surgery
- section 54 - Development and pathology of the child, obstetrics and gynecology, endocrinology and reproduction
- section 55 - Pathology of the Head and Neck
Referees should be selected based on their expertise and should not have co-authored any publication with the applicant in order to a avoid conflict of interest. Otherwise the HDR committee will not be validated.
The exact title of each committee member (Professor, Senior Lecturer, Research Director CNRS / INSERM / INRA ... Senior Researcher CNRS / INSERM / INRA ..., etc.) must be precisely listed: specify if the Senior Researcher or Lecturer has an HDR or an equivalent qualification (for the non-French scientists). Also specify the institution to which each committee member belongs (for example: University of Côte d'Azur, ...)
The following documents should be sent to office of the Graduate School in electronic form at loudig@ipmc.cnrs.fr like this:
- A PDF FILE ( Unsigned WORD Format ) entitled: "Applicant NAME - designations jury rapporteurs et annexe" with the completed and signed designation form for committee members, the designation form for referees and an annex with all the addresses and email
- A PDF FILE entitled: "Applicant NAME - CV" with a first page with requested informations, and the complete CV
The Director of the Graduate School will sign these forms, which are then forwarded to the Presidency of the University for signature and returned to the office of the Graduate School.
SPECIFIC CASE - Defence with broadcasting :
Procedure to be followed.
- About six weeks before the date of defence, the applicant needs to send his manuscript and the report form to the referees (Word doc ou PDF form).
- The referees have four weeks to complete this report and send it by email to the office of the Graduate School.
The referee reports must be sent to the office of the Graduate School AT LEAST 2 WEEKS before the scheduled date of the defence.
If the referee reports have not been received by this deadline, the defence date has to be rescheduled.
The defence order is forwarded to the President of the University to be signed.
One week before the defence, the applicant needs to email the announcement of the defence of HDR to the office of the Graduate School.
The office of the Graduate School needs to email to the candidate documents and instructions for defense:
- The defence order signed by the President of the Université Côte d'Azur
- The referee reports (to send to members of the committee)
- The The minutes of the defence form and the defence report form (to send to the president of the committee)
After the defence, the committee members sign the Minutes and prepare and sign the defence report. The president of the committee signs both documents and sends them to the office of the Graduate School. The applicant is informed of the content of the minutes and the report.
The office of the Graduate School will send an Attestation de Réussite (certificate of success) to the candidate once she has received the defence statement and report. The diploma is issued within 6 months following the defence.
Reference text: Decree from November 23rd, 1988.